Cycle & Taste

Venture on a bike trail CYCLE&TASTE, check main information:

  • Sights in the package: Bioterme Mala Nedelja, Oljarna Kocbek, Domačija Firbas, church of Sveta Trojica in Slovenske gorice and birth house of Janez Puhan in Sakušak
  • Included places: Moravci in Slovenske gorice, Sveti Jurij ob Ščavnici, Cerkvenjak, Sveta Trojica in Slovenske gorice, Sakušak
  • Length of bike tour: 47 km
  • Estimated time of bike tour: 3 hours 34 minutes (effective drive)
  • Duration: one day cycling adventure
  • Goal of program: appropriate for individuals and group guests

Write us on and we will prepare an unforgettable experience on chosen bike trail. We reserve sightseeing, find you accommodations, discover culinary options. We also offer bike and e-bike rental as well as transportation to desired location.




You can choose among many different bike trails, also international. Take a look at BROCHURE that was made in the project IronCurtainCycling. The project is supported by the Interreg V-A Slovenia-Hungary Cooperation Programme and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.